C magazine

Smart lifting tips for farm safety

Man lifting sunflower seed bag into the back of a pick-up truck

Prevent injuries during busy times on the farm by lifting smart, stretching and taking other precautions.

Sep 05, 2023

By Cynthia Clanton

Lift. Turn. Lift. Turn. Ouch!

“It only takes one improper lift to put you out of service,” says Matt Surdick, a senior manager for environmental health and safety with CHS.

Moving heavy equipment, 重复的维护任务和长时间的联合收割机需要额外的照顾,以避免疼痛和伤害.

Control these injury risk factors


  • Force: 举起或移动重物会导致肌肉拉伤或背部受伤.
  • Repetition: Repeated movements can lead to muscle fatigue injuries. Watch out for extreme stretching or awkward body positioning.
  • Posture: 长时间以一个姿势站立或坐着会导致背部受伤或肌肉僵硬.
  • Stress: 外部压力和精神压力会导致肌肉紧张和紧绷, which can cause pain and trigger other injuries.

Find practical farm-focused health tips at AgriSafe.

“Everyone wants to hit the ground running, but working through fatigue and stress puts strain on bodies,” says Surdick. “Make sure your body is ready to go when the busy season starts.”

Working smarter, not harder, is the best approach, says Vickie Kilgore, 全国健康与安全高级风险澳门皇冠赌场平台顾问, one of the largest ag insurance providers in the U.S.

“If you lift something 10 times a day, 你能不能把它放高一点,这样你就不用够到地板了? 一个简单的改变,比如在一个五加仑的桶上放点东西,就能让你在一天结束的时候感觉有惊人的不同. 她补充说:“如果你意识到并有一个计划,有很多简单的解决办法。. 集思广益,想想如何以不同的方式来避免受伤,并找到使工作更容易的方法.”

Every body is different

“We use our bodies as tools,” says Linda Emanuel, AgriSafe网络的注册护士和社区卫生主任, 一个全国性的非营利组织,帮助健康和安全专业人员建立技能,为老年专业人员提供有效的卫生保健. “That can take a toll over time and lead to shoulder strains, rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain and more. 你可能会开始感到不舒服,但决定坚持下去. 最终,疼痛会变得难以承受,并打断正常的活动.”

了解和适应每个人的身体能力和技能是避免受伤的关键因素, says Kilgore.

“如果需要的话,考虑一下你和其他人可以安全地长时间做些什么. 有时候,这意味着要诚实地面对自己,告诉自己:‘我不会再做这样的工作了.’”

“我们的工作方式不同,需求也不同,”伊曼纽尔表示赞同. “这可能意味着要把一天中的活动间隔开来,并在活动之间休息.

“As we age, we tend to tire more easily and lose strength and endurance, which affects the kind of activities you can handle,” she adds, “尤其是当你考虑到炎热和其他天气条件时.”

沟通是理解和满足工作中每个人的需求的关键, Emanuel says. “澳门皇冠赌场平台安全工作的公开对话和树立榜样可以让一切变得不同. A healthy farmer is a safe farmer.”

Working smart tips

Surdick, Kilgore和Emanuel提供了以下建议来帮助避免受伤和停工.

Warm up

“You wouldn’t run a race without warming up, so you shouldn’t start a task without doing some stretching, including shoulder rolls and hamstring stretches,” says Surdick. “Safe lifting starts with getting your body ready.”

Plan ahead

苏尔迪克建议:“想想你要举起什么东西,把它放在哪里. 在搬运重物时避免旋转,以减少背部的压力.

Clear the path

移除阻挡视线或可能绊倒人的障碍物. Look for help. Surdick说:“确定你是否需要另一个人或设备来帮助你举起重物。. “Trying to muscle through it alone could be the wrong approach.”

Lift properly

抬起和搬运时,用腿抬,并保持物体靠近身体. Look for handles to make lifting easier. Shoveling is lifting, too — keep shovelfuls small and manageable.

Stay focused

伊曼纽尔说:“在任何时候都要注意你身体的重心。. “提醒自己站直有助于保持身体平衡,防止受伤.” 

Stay hydrated and eat well

伊曼纽尔建议以水开始新的一天,并在附近放一个水壶. 健康的饮食为力量提供燃料,帮助澳门皇冠赌场平台压力.

Switch it up

基尔戈说:“长时间站立或坐着都是你的敌人。. She recommends rotating tasks and taking planned breaks. 每15分钟30秒的休息时间,或者每两个小时爬出出租车5到10分钟,让你得到舒展, move or relax to help reduce muscle fatigue.

Set up shop

基尔戈建议选择手柄长4到5英寸、手感舒适的手动工具, slip-resistant grips that fit your hand. Other suggestions include having tools organized and at arm’s reach; standing on an antifatigue mat; wearing comfortable, supportive boots or shoes; and choosing well-fitting work gloves for safety and to avoid hand fatigue.

Get some rest

伊曼纽尔说:“每天晚上需要七到九个小时的高质量睡眠,我怎么强调都不为过。. “过度疲劳会在操作设备时发生事故,并影响平衡, which can lead to slips, trips and falls. Know when to end the day.”

Make conditioning a year-round activity

伊曼纽尔说:“每天都要做伸展运动,加强核心肌肉。. “你要锻炼肌肉,为旺季做好准备.”

Check out the full summer 2023 C Magazine with this article and more.

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